Saturday 15 August 2009

ραρєявαск ωяιтєя

Most people know, that I want to be a journalist when I'm older. When I tell people this fact, they all start cracking on about digging the gossip out about celebrities, or being a paparazzi. Let me put you all straight now...I want to be a magazine journalist, a features writer!
Well, experience is essential in this career, and although I'll have a degree, experience is something that I still need. The most unlikeliest of persons came to my rescue with this factor, with another of his spontaneous boyfriend wants to make his own student website, which I can write witty anecdotes for! Yay! :D
I've also started writing a story, which I would post if my Microsoft Word wanted to work. It's not long though, because I got to the sex scene and got too embarassed to continue! So when I do post it, a few words of encouragement would be handy!

Phillppa, x

1 comment:

  1. I want to be a journalist when I am older too and know what you mean =) So far I have only got a bit of experience: I edit the fashion section of my uni newspaper, have written lots of online content (my ex has 6 websites and I did some freelance work as well) and have done some work experience at a local magazine and papers. I just started writing a story last night too, although I am terrible at that kind of writing. I would love to read yours =)

    Good luck with getting more experience! Maybe one day we will be colleagues at some big magazine :D

    Jo x
